I've tried writing this so many times. To start writing about Grandad, and not carry on forever, is a great task. When I was little I always said I was going to write down Nan and Grand's love story. Although I wish so much that I had, everyone who knew them didn't need it in writing to recognise that it was one for the ages. I will always be immensely proud of my title as his No.1 Pest - I can wholeheartedly say I definitely earned it. I remember when Nan and Grand came to Sri Lanka with us, almost every morning we would walk along the beach together with the dogs trailing after us. About a mile or so down, there was this large driftwood log that we would sit on and just talk for a bit before heading back. I don't remember anything we ever talked about, but I think there are very few times in my life that have been so calm and uninterrupted. There are so so many memories that I treasure of Grand, and so many skills that I undoubtedly gained from him. But words truly don't do them, or him, justice. All I can say is that I am so proud to have known him and loved him, and that I take great comfort knowing Grand is finally "on top of the world". I miss you mate x